Pastors & Leaders Conference 2011
You can help over 500 + National Pastors & Leaders become more effective in their ministry. We are hosting our Annual Pastors Conference April 5-8, 2011 in Peru. Support a Pastor for this conference for only $20.00. The estimated cost to have this conference is $9500.00, this will cover the cost of all their needs (food, lodging, etc.) while attending the conference. We need your financial help. These native Pastors and Leaders come from all over Peru 1 time each year for training and encouragement. God is allowing us the privilege of helping them. Any amount will be greatly appreciated. You can support 1 Pastor or 100 Pastors. God will bless you for your willingness to make a difference.
Send all donations to:
Central Missionary Clearing House
P.O. Box 219228
Houston, Texas 77218
(marked Kennedy family in Peru/ Pastor’s Conference 2011)